Bristol & Bath Java Users Group

Java Developer? Or maybe just a hobbyist? If you do anything with Java, then this group is for you. This group is for open discussion of all Java issues and promotion of Java events and happenings in the local area. Everyone is invited and encourage to get chatting on the list. Although due to the popularity of Java and volume of jobs, we have a separate list for job postings.

We want you!

We are always looking for new members and people to help out. Whether you just want to lurk, have questions, meet up or help arrange meet ups, come to tech meets or help arrange tech meets, keep the site updated, notify us of other events... All are welcome.

How do I get involved?

It's easy, subscribe to the mailing list. Once you confirm your email you'll be able to view and start discussions with the rest of the group

What about jobs?

If you have a job to post, or are looking for a Java related job then please subscribe to the jobs mailing list. There is also a Linked-in Java jobs group.

What's coming up?

Current Java happenings in the south west:

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